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May 16, 2023

The use of posterior ankle and hindfoot arthroscopy (PAHA) has been expanding over time. Many new indications have been reported in the literature. The primary objective of this study was to report the rate of PAHA complication in a large cohort of patients and describe their potential associations with demographical and surgical variables.
In conclusion, the complication rate in this cohort that was treated with posterior ankle and/or hindfoot arthroscopy was 6.8%. Most complications were due to neural sensorial injuries (sural 5, medial plantar nerve 4, medial calcaneal nerve 1 ) and 3 required additional operative treatment. The use of an accessory posterolateral portal was significantly associated with neurologic complications. The provided information may assist surgeons in establishing diagnoses, making therapeutic decisions, and instituting surgical strategies for patients that might benefit from a posterior arthroscopic approach.
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